We, the First Committee of the International Necronautical Society, declare the following:-

1.That death is a type of space, which we intend to map, enter, colonize and, eventually, inhabit.
2. That there is no beauty without death, its immanence. We shall sing death's beauty - that is, beauty.
2. That there is no beauty without death, its immanence. We shall sing death's beauty - that is, beauty.
3. That we shall take it upon us, as our task, to bring death out into the world. We will chart all its forms and media: in literature and art, where it is most apparent; also in science and culture, where it lurks submerged but no less potent for the obfuscation. We shall attempt to tap into its frequencies - by radio, the Internet and all sites where its processes and avatars are active. In the quotidian, to no smaller a degree, death moves: in traffic accidents both realized and narrowly avoided; in hearses and undertakers' shops, in florists' wreaths, in butchers' fridges and in dustbins of decaying produce. Death moves in our apartments, through our television screens, the wires and plumbing in our walls, our dreams. Our very bodies are no more than vehicles carrying us ineluctably towards death. We are all necronauts, always, already.
4. Our ultimate aim shall be the construction of a craft that will convey us into death in such a way that we may, if not live, then at least persist. With famine, war, disease and asteroid impact threatening to greatly speed up the universal passage towards oblivion, mankind's sole chance of survival lies in its ability, as yet unsynthesized, to die in new, imaginative ways. Let us deliver ourselves over utterly to death, not in desperation but rigorously, creatively, eyes and mouths wide open so that they may be filled from the deep wells of the Unknown.
Είμουνα τόσα χρόνια νεκροναύτης και δεν το είχα καταλάβει !
Σύντροφοι νεκροναύτες συνταξιδιώτες
η περιπέτεια έχει ήδη ξεκινήσει...
8 σχόλια:
Always look on the bright side of death.
Just before you draw your terminal breath.
@ ourbax
who is the poet ?
Monty Pythons
Grateful Dead το κείμενο.
Να φτιάξουμε σκάφος και να "die in new, imaginative ways"
Καλή εβδομάδα
@ βάσια
γεια σου νεκροναύτισσα...
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